The Science of Vision Boards: Discovering Success with Steve Harvey’s Approach

It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but can it also be worth a thousand dreams? Welcome to the fascinating world of vision boards, a powerful tool designed to help you visualize and manifest your aspirations. Vision boards, also known as dream boards, are collages of images and affirmations that represent your dreams, goals, and all the things you want to do or become. They serve as a source of inspiration and motivation, helping you to focus on achieving what you desire most in life.

The premise of vision boards is based on the law of attraction, which posits that we attract what we focus on. By consistently seeing and focusing on the things that we desire, we can attract them into our lives. It’s a concept that has been embraced by many successful individuals, one of whom is the renowned comedian and television host, Steve Harvey.

Here I am on zoom (top right) talk to Steve Harvey about success.

From humble beginnings, Steve Harvey has risen to become a household name, with his success linked to the consistent use of vision boards. His story serves as a testament to the power of vision boards and the science behind them.

Who is Steve Harvey?

Steve Harvey is a multi-faceted personality who has worn many hats in his career, such as a television host, comedian, author, and motivational speaker. Born in West Virginia and raised in Ohio, Harvey started his journey to stardom as a stand-up comedian before branching out into television and radio. He is best known for hosting popular TV shows like “The Steve Harvey Show,” “Family Feud,” and “Little Big Shots.”

Harvey’s journey to success was not a smooth one. He faced numerous challenges and setbacks, including periods of homelessness. Yet, he never lost sight of his dreams and aspirations. One tool he credits for his success is the vision board, which he has consistently used to keep his goals in focus.

Beyond his professional achievements, Steve Harvey is also known for his philanthropic efforts. He established the Steve Harvey Foundation, which provides mentoring programs for young men and scholarships for those who need financial assistance to further their education.

The Role of Vision Boards in Steve Harvey’s Success

Steve Harvey has often attributed his success to the use of vision boards. He believes that they have played a significant role in helping him achieve his goals and realize his dreams. According to Harvey, the key lies in the power of visualization – the ability to see oneself achieving what one desires.

Harvey’s first vision board was simple and straightforward. He cut out a picture of a house that he fancied from a magazine and stuck it on his board. Years later, he bought a property that eerily resembled the house from his vision board. This experience, among others, solidified his belief in the power of vision boards.

Harvey’s approach to vision boards goes beyond material gains. He also incorporates his career goals, personal growth objectives, and spiritual aspirations into his vision boards. This holistic approach has helped him stay motivated and focused, propelling him to new heights in his career and personal life.

Understanding the Science Behind Vision Boards

The effectiveness of vision boards is not just anecdotal. There is scientific evidence that supports the concept behind vision boards. The science revolves around the idea of visualization and the law of attraction.

Visualization is a powerful mental exercise that involves creating a mental image of a desired outcome. It’s a technique that has been used by athletes, entrepreneurs, and successful individuals across various fields. The brain is a powerful tool, and when we visualize, we engage the part of our brain known as the reticular activating system (RAS), which helps us notice and seek out the things that we focus on.

The law of attraction, on the other hand, is a philosophy based on the belief that like attracts like. By focusing our thoughts on the things that we desire, we can attract them into our lives. This concept, coupled with the power of visualization, forms the basis for the creation and use of vision boards.

Steve Harvey’s Approach to Vision Boards

Steve Harvey’s approach to vision boards is holistic and purposeful. He believes that a vision board should not only include materialistic desires but also career, personal, and spiritual goals. Harvey emphasizes the importance of creating a vision board that aligns with one’s purpose and passion in life.

For Harvey, the act of creating a vision board is not just about sticking pictures on a board. It involves deep introspection and clarity of purpose. It’s about understanding what you truly desire and focusing your energy on those desires. Once the vision board is created, Harvey suggests reviewing it daily and visualizing the achievement of the goals represented on the board.

Lessons from Family Feud: How Steve Harvey Applies Vision Boards to His Career as a Comedian

Steve Harvey’s successful career as a comedian and television host has been, in part, shaped by his use of vision boards. Harvey has often recounted how he used to visualize himself hosting “Family Feud” long before he got the job. He even practiced his hosting skills in his living room, thus demonstrating the power of visualization coupled with action.

His tenure as the host of “Family Feud” has been marked by a significant increase in the show’s popularity, a testament to his talent and charisma. Harvey’s vision board approach extends to his comedy career as well. He visualizes his jokes landing successfully and his audience laughing, a practice that has helped him hone his craft and excel as a comedian.

How to Create a Vision Board: Inspired by Steve Harvey

Creating a vision board, inspired by Steve Harvey, involves a few key steps. First, identify your goals and desires. Make them as specific as possible. Next, gather materials that represent your goals. These could be pictures, quotes, or even personal affirmations. Arrange them on a board in a way that resonates with you.

Remember, your vision board should be a reflection of your dreams and aspirations. It should inspire and motivate you. Review your vision board daily, visualizing the achievement of each goal. Lastly, take action. A vision board is not a magic wand. It serves as a tool to help you focus on your goals but achieving them requires consistent action.

Do’s and Don’ts When Creating a Vision Board

When creating a vision board, there are a few things to keep in mind. Do be clear about your goals. Do use images and affirmations that resonate with you. Do review your vision board daily. Do be patient and trust the process.

Don’t create a vision board based on societal expectations or to impress others. Don’t expect immediate results, and most importantly, don’t forget to take action towards your goals.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Success with Vision Boards

As we’ve seen through the example of Steve Harvey, vision boards can be a powerful tool in the journey towards success. They help us clarify our goals, focus our energy, and keep us motivated. However, the effectiveness of a vision board lies in the consistent action taken towards achieving the goals represented on the board.

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Joe Faulkner

**The Celebrity-Inspired Life Coach** with a distinctive approach to personal development, drawing inspiration from the resilience and success of Hollywood celebrities. With a passion for stardom and self-improvement, Joe has carved out a niche in interviewing and writing about the stars, focusing on their journeys through adversity to achieve greatness. His work is more than a profession; it's a calling fueled by his own experiences of overcoming depression and realizing his dreams, such as meeting the formidable Judge Judy. Joe's encounters with icons like Dr. Phil and the beloved Betty White have not only enriched his life but also equipped him with powerful stories of perseverance. Believing firmly that everyone should aim high and persist against all odds, Joe dedicates himself to empowering others with the lessons learned from the pinnacle of celebrity success. His message is clear: set monumental goals, never give up, and greatness will follow.
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